CALLING LAKE 2023 (AGM 2024)

The ministry was a huge success with the partnership between the Athabasca Reformed Church and Bigstone as well as other endeavours.

First off, I would like to say that ministry is something that is in motion, or something fluid, that moves and grows, as well as changes from time to time.

Some of the ways in which we have served the community of Calling Lake, Alberta as a church are as follows:

We had BBQ’s throughout the summer months. This was with the help of the Athabasca Food Bank, with the provision of cutlery, meats, and other food items. The cost was minimal because of the Athabasca Food Bank; however, it was impactful when reaching the greater community as a whole.

We are always continuing to reach those that are riddled with addictions or trauma and we as a church are finding new ways and directions in which to help those that are lost.

Stew pack/soup program from Bigstone was a way of reaching the people of Calling Lake. We are hoping this will continue as we move forward. Bigstone money for fresh vegetables: $6,000

The Fresh Fruit initiative was something that we again partnered with the Athabasca Food Bank and was a way to meet both parents as well as the children, especially when it came to providing fresh fruits and vegetables through out the summer months. Grant from the Government program: $5,000

We have had success when it comes to the weekly bible studies from Francis Chan all the way to the Chosen which we are continuing through the majority of this year. The openness and vulnerability has been amazing to be apart of, and getting to see the growth in individuals brings me great joy.

Clothing give aways are a continual ministry through out the year. This also partners with the Coat and Boot initiative for the school as well.

Another way in which we are serving is by picking up prescriptions for some of the elders who are unable to get to and from Athabasca.

We have had a church in Tofield, Alberta, that continues to provide us with hand made quilts with the total number to date being well over 100 blankets. This has been an awesome way to reach families. I was able to meet with the sewing group in Tofield to thank them in person and was a huge blessing for both parties. Thank you.

I still continue to provide rides and help by bringing people back and forth to Calling Lake. Some that live in Edmonton catch a ride when they hear I’m heading back to Calling Lake, usually with some very interesting conversation to say the least.

Our Christmas service was, as some of you may have heard, a huge success. We had a church from Edmonton, Beulah Alliance Church, provide help with both food and gifts for the kids ($500 plus 25 gifts). This year we ended up renting the Calling Lake Community Hall. We had 90 people show up for the service and the turkey dinner.

We had six people get baptized this past summer and we have others already planned for this summer coming up. We will provide a BBQ as well as gifts when the time comes. A native store in Edmonton, Western Varieties, has begun a partnership with us and donated gifts of coats, blankets and other swag at the baptism which was very generous of them ($ 3,500).

I mentioned at the top of this list that there has been a relationship/partnership between Bigstone and our church and this has happened through word of mouth and through my involvement with Bigstone events and the partnering with many different staff over the past couple of years. In the fall of 2023, Bigstone began renting the building from us with different groups and hopefully a few more will be joining in the up coming year. We are forming a trust that will impact the community as well as healing through the many different ways of serving.

These are a couple of ways in which we are serving the community. This is however not an exhaustive list because we are always trying to find new ways to serve with the hopes of introducing Jesus to a broken and hurting community. The direction of the Calling Lake Community Church is always Christocentric in nature and I feel God is always at the forefront when it comes to our outreach mission. We’re always looking for people to serve with us as well as to meet some financial needs and am open to other opportunities with other churches for ongoing support. We’re also in talks with Teen Challenge to get more of an involvement for those that are struggling with addictions to begin the works of a healthier community. We have been praying for the right leader when it comes to the youth as well and feel that this is dependant on both God’s timing and provisions. We are trusting that God will continue to provide for the completion of our beautiful building and the provision as well for the youth leader. There are also grants and other financial means that we will be looking into as a leadership team. Trusting that God will make a way.

The patience and love that we are showing the community is sometimes overlooked and can be hard to receive for some, because of past hurts with the church. The gentleness and the tolerance and lastly the grace that has been bestowed upon us, we now give to them.

The way in which we are going to heal my people and this community is through Love, Faith and Hope - the love most were never shown, the faith that will move mountains, and by restoring hope back into this community through the healing power of Jesus. Thank you all for your continued support.

We live because He lives.

We move because He moves.

We love them because He first Loved us.

Blessings to you my friends, The Church

Pastor Nathan Gullion

First Nation Pastor

Athabasca Reformed Congregation

Nathan Gullion