Deacons' Report 2023 (AGM 2024)

Current Board of Deacons 

Chair: Brian LeMessurier; Secretary: Annie Wagner; Will Day; Anna Olson, Jeff Schweer, Scott Splane


On behalf of the Board of Deacons I wish to extend a special thank you to everyone that supported the Athabasca Reformed Congregation (ARC) in 2023 in any way. The continuing financial, physical and volunteer support allows the Board of Deacons to facilitate ongoing measures to address the maintenance of our facilities and the growth of church ministries. While the financial statements speak to the financial health of our church, several items require explanation which point to the vibrancy and overall wellness of the congregation, as well as some of the challenges we presently face.

With regard to our properties and facilities, ARC still owns an acreage north of Athabasca in the Wood Heights neighborhood. That property is paid for and is currently being leased to a local business.

The Calling Lake (CL) Church facility, now less than two years from being fully paid for, houses both our church and the Calling Lake Health Services offices. In 2023 Pastor Nathan held regular weekly services and scheduled Bible studies in this facility. Plans are currently underway to continue development of the basement in order to create a larger church sanctuary. We currently rent the CL church space to agencies providing counselling services on an occasional basis.

Our Athabasca Ministry Center continues to house our church offices, regular services, a growing number of church ministries, monthly and short-term room tenants, and occasional facility rentals. Due to the size and age of the facility, significant ongoing maintenance and facility upgrades are required. Most of this work is done by our volunteer maintenance facilitator Dave Poirier, with the support of other church volunteers. A very successful summer work party was held at the church to address some of the maintenance needs. We are grateful for Mr. Poirier’s efforts, as well as the contributions made by other volunteers. We also have members of this church family who made significant donations of furniture, equipment and supplies and wished to remain anonymous. Please know that we appreciate these gestures and the impact they have on our operations. Measures were taken in 2023 to conduct a full cleaning in the hospitality kitchen and shower room, as well as replace the stove in that area. Further upgrades are required and will be undertaken in 2024. Revenue collected from room rentals assists us in covering our facility operational costs. Additional security cameras and enhanced garage lighting were also added, with further parking lot lighting to be added in 2024 to enhance safety and security. Two challenges that face our congregation with regard to facilities are the rising costs of insurance and utilities.

In 2023, ARC, through general and designated givings, was able to support local, regional, national and international missions in the amount of $______. The list of 2023 mission recipients consists of:

Seeds of Hope Children’s Ministry, Athabasca Good Samaritan Mission,

The Board of Deacons wishes to thank Pastor Al for his steadfast leadership of our church in the past year. With God’s guidance he carries out his duties with vision, enthusiasm and unconditional love.

We also acknowledge and thank our Calling Lake Pastor, Nathan Gullion, for his work in the

Calling Lake ministry and we pray that his efforts there will lead to growth and clear future direction for that ministry. We would also like to thank Jeannette Plat for all her tireless work in running our church office and for teaming with Susan Pahl in keeping our church clean and functional throughout the year. We also wish to recognize and thank Carol Epp of Athabasca Landing Business Services for doing an exceptional job of attending to our accounting and payroll needs. We also rely heavily on Carol’s advice as we plan forward.

Our Board of Deacons has appreciated the support and assistance we have received from this congregation in 2023 as well as the opportunity to work with Pastor Al and the Board of Elders on Consistory. We look forward, with God’s guidance, to a busy and productive year ahead.

Respectfully Submitted,


Brian LeMessurier

Chair of the Board of Deacons

Brian LeMessurier